Students in grades 3 and 4 are invited to participate in G.Y.M. club every other Thursday from 2:15-3:15pm. Please pick up your student at the normal drop-off/pick-up area.
Students need to turn in a permission form signed by a parent/guardian before participating. Click on the Calendar tab above for dates.
Girls on the Run is an International Program started by Molly Barker in Charlotte, North Carolina.
We have a fall season, which begins in September at the start of the school year, and a spring season, which begins in early March. Practices are held twice a week here at Doe Run from 2:30-4:00 PM.
Each practice starts out with a healthy snack. We then head into a discussion on a specific topic that can range from pacing ourselves while running and having a healthy body, to being a good friend, pulling out the negative cord, and standing up for ourselves. After a time of discussion and sometimes written work, we do a warm-up, followed by a work-out session, and then finish with a wrap-up session. Each week finds the girls running longer distances and shortening their run times while increasing their distance. There are energy cheers for the girls and spirit nominations each practice.
About mid-way through our season, we run a practice 5K. This is a great way for the girls to see what an actual 5K distance feels like and have time to work a little harder the next few weeks at practice to be able to do their best at the actual 5K in November at Millersville University and in May at F & M College.
The goal is to finish a 5K. We say finish, because run, skip, gallop, or walk -- they all finish! Girls on the Run is so much fun -- WOOOOOO!
Funded by a MCFEE grant and led by 4th grade teachers Eric Snavely and Shelly Stillwagon, this club invites 4th grade students to discover and explore a variety of topics related to nature and the environment. Meetings include guest speakers from the Lancaster County Conservations District and Lancaster County Parks, as well as hands-on opportunities for learning, such as owl pellet dissection and a stream study.
This brand new club is for 4th grade learners who love to write and enjoy being creative with technology! They create books for the "Baron Bookshelf" - a collection of books that can be read by anyone at our school. The club meets most Mondays, from 2:05-2:55 pm.
The Baron Bookshelf club is run by Mrs. Bridgette -
Doe Run learners and parents are invited to attend our Baron Breakfasts, held periodically throughout the school year. The program includes a quick, before-school breakfast and a 40-minute program of parenthood and family topics. Take away some great tips and resources and strengthen your relationship with your kids at the same time.
Held twice a year and organized by our PTO, the Scholastic Book Fair offers learners the opportunity to shop for books at their reading levels right here at school! During the Fall and Spring Book Fairs students have the opportunity to shop for books with their class. The PTO offers an evening for family shopping at some point during Book Fair week. The earnings from the Book Fairs allow the PTO to purchase a free book for each student each year and also fund the Scholastic News for all classes.
This PTO-led event in December allows every student to select, create, and give a handmade craft to a loved one during the holiday season. Parent volunteers generate the craft ideas, help students in selecting their favorite, prepare the supplies, and then facilitate Craft Day.